Power Juice Feast- Day 21 | Raw Vegan Radio

Power Juice Feast- Day 21

Power Juice Feast- Day 21

by Steve Prussack
Host of Raw Vegan Radio

Another day of deep, intense cleansing and amazing on every level.  My body has been letting go of some deep-rooted toxic waste, and it is stirring up all kinds of emotions.  This leads to an increase in sensitivity, but on another level, improved perception.  I feel I can see through people, and really align myself with people I resonate with…this is a great power to have, and one I think I am possessing because of my level of clarity.  I made a short video today, which I hope to post over the weekend.

My friend Brother Echo launched the first Raw Vegan Organic Food Truck, I went to check them out, as you’ll see it in the video this weekend. He and his partner Andrew have manifested an incredible service, and I will support them as much as I can.  Their website is http://www.opensourceorganics.com and I am 100% behind these guys and their mission.

Here is their video from opening day (Note: I came by for a visit):

Juices of the Day

1.  Celery/ Cucumber/ Spinach/ Cilantrore i
2.  Carrot/ Apple/ Cilantro/ Celery/ Lemon/ Parsley
3.  Beet/ Carrot/ Ginger/ Apple/ Kale

I drank 3 quarts of Juice today.  I followed the protocol for HealthForce’s Healing Cleanse Level 3 (advanced cleanse).

Weight Loss

I still weigh 172 pounds.  I have lost 10 pounds since starting the cleanse (starting weight was 182.4).  While my weight is the same, I am feeling so much lighter in my new body.  What a big difference 10 pounds make, it really is incredible.

Increased Sensitivity

As I mentioned before, I am a lot more sensitive because of the toxins being released from deep inside my body.  I want to focus on the positive vibrations, because one thing that has come up is the ability to see through people who clearly have bad intentions.  While I would usually ignore these situations, I find myself communicating my feelings directly to them (better out than in, just like with cleansing).

I’m looking forward to a weekend of more intense deep cleansing.  Hopefully, I can rid my body of these parasites and heavy metals.  Funny, no matter how healthy we eat, we are all victim to an environment that dumps a lot of poison into our bodies.  I could not recommend the  HealthForce Healing Cleanse along with juicing more…it has really made a huge difference on every level.  My eyes are clear, my mind is sharp, my energy is high, and I am feeling better prepared to meet any challenges that life may bring.

I hope this blog has served some inspiration in your own health journey.  I have been reading classic books every night, like Norman Walker’s Becoming Younger, Raw Fruit and Vegetable Juices, The Natural Way to Vibrant Health, and Natural Weight Control.  He is a true inspiration and was well ahead of his time.

Thanks for joining me here.  Your posts have been inspiring, I really appreciate the feedback and support the last 3 weeks.  Sunday will be my last day of the cleanse.  I will transition (slowly) to a 100% raw vegan diet.  Perhaps you would like to join me?

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